Can I quit the job without a plan?

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I’m sure you have your reasons for asking, but I believe when anyone gets a serious inclination to quit their job, it’s time to consider how much more of it you can seriously take.

You should quit a job without a plan if you really need to, such as if there’s some kind of serious moral or legal dilemma going on. It doesn’t have to be that serious, though. You can also quit if you’ve just decided it’s a work environment, company culture, or management style that doesn’t like you or doesn’t work well with you. Or maybe just the general arrangement doesn’t work after all, such as the commute being too far.

What I’d do is outline how long I truly could survive, physically, emotionally, etc. sticking with this job. Then, make a plan with something HALF that far into the future as the deadline, the endpoint.

By that time, you will have prepared by getting another job, building passive income on the internet, or whatever you choose to focus on. And if you somehow don’t meet that goal, due to life getting in the way, you still have time to polish out the remaining issues and turn profitable.

This way, you don’t hold off on quitting for too long, but you give yourself time to really shift the gears and make this change in your life smoothly and gracefully.

Since jobs are getting scarce, it’s probably not a wise decision to quit an ongoing job if you don’t have to, unless you have better options or your present job is disturbing you and there’s nothing you can do to improve the situation. But that’s all about your own commitment. For those who follow a system and hold themselves accountable, it’s not that difficult to get new job offers in the first week of quitting.

Before you quit your job, I would suggest you consider the following situations and see which are true for you:

#1 Your present job does not meet your current skills and skill level. For instance, your work is boring and routine and does not rely on the newest, most valuable insights you currently are focused on. Or, the job is too high level and you can’t face the pressure to perform right now until you get some experience in a simpler version of the same type of work.

#2 For one reason or another, you want to work for a different company. It could be your current employer’s fault, or it could not.

#3 You have a sense of insecurity about your job. You think you may lose it soon anyway, or that it will get worse soon.

#4 You want to do something else. This is not your passion.

#5 There are better job options you think you might have ready for you after quitting.

#6 (Big one) You are mentally and financially prepared to stay off the job market for a while. No one can predict how long it will take to get a new job. You can control it by being more proactive and consistent, but for the average, not-especially-motivated person it usually takes a few months.

For most of the above six points, if your answer is YES, then you should quit your job.

By the way, regarding #6, don’t ever feel bad about your time spent in-between jobs. If you can afford it, use it as a mini-retirement before jumping into something new. Do something fun for a while and handle outreach for a new job a little every day. If you can’t afford to do that, get a really simple job that involves providing an essential service for busy people, such as an uber driver. Then, talk to every one of your clients, try to get on the subject of business, see what jobs or opportunities might be out there. Either way, there is no shame in leaving your job. You probably weren’t ashamed of yourself before you got the job, right? You control whether this is the start of an upward or downward trend in your life, and the choice is not that hard to make.

Whatever your decision, you should improve your financial and career security by working upon what I call 3S. Those 3S are helpful for anyone who has quit a job, is planning to quit, or believes in strengthening the professional profile and securing their future.

My post: I’m Ready to Quit My Job YESTERDAY, How Do I Do It? covers 3S and what it means. If you are interested, you can read that on my website.

In conclusion, quitting a job without a plan is not generally advisable, especially in such tough times. But that shouldn’t be considered as an excuse to stay in a job when you are not willing to stay there or you have very strong logical reasons not to. Check out that post if you want a good starting point before you look at other jobs to get the full scope of what you could do.

Feel free to reply if you need any clarification.

Good Luck!



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