Does social media work for a product like books?

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First of all, I appreciate you for choosing a product like books. I hope it gets readers. Nowadays, we can see people using short forms, slang, hashtags, etc. while typing an official mail too. It shows the influence of social media. Spending hours on social media has become a routine matter for almost everyone. It is high time to use this power of social media as a business tool.

Let’s get to the point. Social media marketing for books works very well and has many success stories. A book’s cover and title may catch attention for a short while through social media promotions. In the long run, though, it is the content of the book that matters the most. I assume that you are aware of all such aspects. (You may leave a reply for more discussion on that).

In the context of the online marketing of books, I would say it is the initial pre-marketing time that matters most. If you handle it well, then you will be in a good position for viral book sales. Identify your readers first, then accordingly plan for it.

Three effective ways of social media marketing of books are as follows:

1) Build Online Presence

By the time your book is close to ready for release, you should be able to reach out to to a large base of potential readers through social media platforms in the form of posts, stories, etc. Create fan pages and interact with the audience you build on there. Get people excited about you and what you have to write.

2) Advertisements and Campaigns

You may run ads and campaigns on social media platforms, depending upon your budget.

3) Engage Your Audience

Promoting an excerpt of valuable content, such as a part of a lesson for free after registering for the book through a social media post, can work very well. Hook people with a taste of the full product so they know about you and get excited about the full thing. Encourage these pre-fans to leave a review and use trending hashtags.

In addition to that, there can be some more effective ways, namely blogging, videos, graphical content, etc. that get more specific according to the niche of the content.

With new books launching every other day and everyone following almost the same social media marketing strategy, an important decision for marketing would be to look from another perspective and try new things. To quickly shed some light on that: Social media marketing strategies are very similar, for almost all books. What if we look for the reasons why certain social media marketing campaigns fail, then?. I am saying this on the basis of my experience as an online promoter of books for the last several years. Look at what’s popular, but mediocre, in marketing, and think of how to be different, and, then you may implement new and low-competition social media marketing strategies. The results are always better. Before concluding my answer, I would suggest a quick read to my post “Why Your Social Media Marketing Isn’t Working (And What to Do About It)”

Although that post assumes you have tried all typical social media marketing strategies, still it could serve as a helpful guide for a beginner if you are yet to start with social media marketing or worried about making mistakes.

Good Luck!



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