How do I earn money by writing online and by other online money making ways?
Online money making is one of the most convenient ways to earn a living, as you have the freedom to work anytime, anywhere, and the income depends on the efforts you make. There are many ways for doing that, online writing being one of those. Let’s discuss more.

If you have a flair for writing, then you can make good money by adopting the following strategies:
1) Blogging: By blogging for yourself or writing for other people, you can make money. You can get paid to write articles for blogs, magazines, and journals. Starting a blog of your own is also easy, but expect a wait of several months and some steady effort before you get enough viewers to make real money. In either case, always work on the quality of your content and come up with new ways to get better.
2) Content writing: You can write content for websites. Similar to writing blog posts for other businesses, but with more variety in the type of content. For example, sites like online stores often require product descriptions. Or you can write sales copy for landing pages. Depending upon the topic of your interest, and how picky you are about finding good clients, you can earn a good income.
3) Become an author: You can be an author and write your own book. You can self publish a book with platforms like Kindle, Amazon, etc. Treat this like your own blogging platform, though, and expect to put in a lot of work to promote yourself. It’s not a fast-money option.
4) Build a niche blog and promote products: Also known as affiliate marketing, this involves selling the products of other businesses and earning commissions. You do that by writing awesome content and building a reputation as a trustworthy expert on what kinds of products are worth getting.
In addition to the above points, I would like to suggest getting your own website. To start with, just get a simple blog. Making a website is easy, as well as free. You can do that with the help of Wix, WordPress, etc. After you get a website, implement ways to get traffic on your website. The visitors to your website are called traffic. The more visitors, the higher the website’s monetization potential. In short, more online money. You do not have to be selling something or doing affiliate marketing on a website in order for traffic to be useful. I know many freelance writers who have their own websites, which they use to attract and connect with potential clients.
There are many ways to get traffic to a website. A systematic method like One Minute Traffic Machines (OMTM) can be of great help.
Please feel free to leave me a reply if you have any questions.
Good Luck!