How do you handle the customers who refuse to hear from you and disconnect the call during cold calling?

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I did cold calling for a while. If this is a problem you’re getting with over 50% of your calls, the first thing I would do is consider where you get your leads from. But that’s a whole other topic, so let’s assume you do have good leads who should care about what you’re calling them about.

There are a couple of things you can work on to reduce the number of stubborn or flighty cold calls.

1) Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication is an infinitely improvable skill that will serve in all forms of sales, not just cold-calling.. With cold calling, you have to be nice, but firm, and capable of directing the conversation and never getting flustered by a negative attitude. Improving these areas will boost your confidence, and customers will understand your product better. For example, you might learn when to raise or lower down the pitch of your voice, make pauses, stress on a point, etc. A lot of this is being fully comfortable with the call. You can’t come across as apologetic, but you don’t want to sound arrogant either.

2) Telephone Skills

Similar to #1, but more specific to making a call, especially related to customers. For example, establishing that the person is not distracted and getting them to listen with their full attention. Do you have a plan for if the customer is driving? What if someone close to the customer takes the phone and tries to talk you down? Do you have a plan for if the customer wants to schedule a call for later? Having a quick and confident answer to things like that is useful.

3) Timing

Very few callers understand the value of calling at the right time. It would be more beneficial if you know the profile of the customer before calling. In that way, you could use your wisdom when making a call. For example, it might not be worth calling a banking professional during peak hours. If you call managers and other higher-ups with secretaries, you might skip past them entirely if you call at opening hours. This alone can be a game-changer, as I’ve found that the best cold-callers usually bunch their calls into a short 2-3 hour block of time, and focus on other work for the rest of the day.

Assuming that you improve on the above points or you are already following them, finally, if you make a customer listen to your call, there are mainly five common, universal objections or doubts people will have to your offer when buying your product. Here’s a post that covers them well.

In the end, my final piece of advice to you would be to keep working, getting experience, and looking for ways to improve. The results will improve if you keep learning.

Stay Positive. Good Luck!



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