How to distribute a blog’s content without SEO?
Being a blogger, I have tried and tested multiple ways to distribute the content of my blog, all to increase traffic and conversions. I can suggest a few innovative and uncommon ways of doing that, without messing with the technical drudgery of SEO too much.
I have to emphasize, though, that SEO is an extremely broad topic, compared to what most people think of it. So what you’re asking is kind of like saying “what’s a way to get a date other than becoming more confident and physically attractive?” Yeah, there are other avenues and factors, but I wouldn’t put aside something so important entirely. Not saying that you are ignoring SEO, just felt the need to clarify that.
Let’s get to the good stuff.

Here are ten innovative ways (except SEO) to distribute your blog content:
1) By offering giveaways and hosting contests, you can ask the participants to give their email, share your blog’s content on social platforms, etc. With all that, your content is likely to get more reach, plus you’ll build a mailing list for return traffic on every new post because participants need to subscribe in order to potentially receive your prize.
2) Ads on social media platforms always help. Depending upon your budget, you can plan your ad campaign at whatever scale you want, but make it something you are okay with running for months at a time. If you can’t spend any amount of money per day for months at a time, you’re not ready for PPC ads, and that’s fine.
3) You can arrange interviews with people who are doing well in your niche. It can help to get massive traffic and backlinks to your blog and helps give you a break from producing content from scratch. The person you interviewed will likely be motivated to promote that post and by consequence, your whole blog.
4) There are many online discussion forums like Quora, Facebook groups, etc. where you can actively participate in the ongoing discussions, and offer your blog’s content as a solution for a problem. By sharing the link to your blog’s content or an excerpt from it, you can get more readers who would visit your blog, if they liked your ideas.
5) You can incentivize your readers in some way to share your blog’s content. Be subtle about it, though. You don’t want to get lazy fans who game your system for rewards rather than visit your site out of legitimate interest. Do it in such a way that only a small number of true fans would ever know about the incentive.
6) You can do guest blogging as well as invite guest writers onto your blog.
7) You can build an email list of subscribers and share your blog’s content with them, greet them occasionally with new ideas, products, etc. In this way, one-time visitors to your blog can become repeat visitors. This is mandatory for success as a blogger.
8) Depending on the niche of your blog, you can write product reviews. In this way, you can get more traffic and views because people search for reviews of things they are curious about. Be honest in writing reviews, but it’s fine to gush about something you like or condemn something you do not. You can further do affiliate marketing connected to those reviews. It’s a good way to monetize your blog. Even if writing reviews wouldn’t make sense, find a way to share judgmental opinions. Who in your industry is right? Who is wrong? What tactics work, what don’t? Etc.
9) You can implement an influencer marketing strategy. I have done that for some of my blogs, but it’s really worth a separate discussion. Please feel free to let me know if you’re curious about that.
10) Now for the big one. Here’s what I call the Peng Joon strategy, basically a twist on integrated content marketing for viral exposure, which I learned from his Unlimited Traffic in Three Days speech at Funnelhackers. And while this is not exactly about blogging, I want you to envision how you could make this idea work for yourself:
What Peng does is he takes three days and shoots hundreds of videos, all based on pre-planned, valuable keywords. Answering questions, giving opinions on topics, etc. Each video is short, just has him talking, and includes some simple but effective editing and effects.
Next, he takes all those videos and has them transcribed. He can get the transcripts edited and polished up with pictures to create blog posts. Then he takes snippets of videos and uses them for different social accounts, such as Instagram. Everything has unique content, technically, but it’s all derived from the same sprint of content that he created himself, ahead of time.
So you could do something similar, creating a promotion chain. Sprint your way and create as many blog posts as possible all at once. Then schedule them, and put in the work, or hire freelancers, to transcribe that content in as many forms as possible appropriate to other platforms, and schedule that in tandem with the blog posting dates.
Before you know it, you have a substantial production platform producing content for the next one or two months, all from one hard, 36-hour sprint of writing. Now, is this practice if you don’t have a team of freelancers or assistants yet? Probably not. But it’s not that expensive to expand to that level, and it’s something to keep in mind, while maybe doing it on a smaller, simpler scale at first.
By implementing the above strategies with more research specific to your blog, you can increase the reach of your blog’s content to a wider audience.
For more traffic and wider reach, people say that the niche of the blog has a great role. After I started implementing One Minute Traffic Machines (OMTM), which is a specialized traffic getting method, I have discovered that a few traffic generating methods work regardless of niche. Be it any niche, your blog should offer a solution to people’s problems and help them get more of something they want. If you are willing to implement a specialized method to get visitors, then I would recommend OMTM. It plugs in very well to the strategies I described above.
To sum up, it takes time to build traffic to a blog and increase its reach. The key is to keep taking imperfect action, learn how to do things 1 percent better each time, and then have the patience to see the results.
Please feel free to reply if you have any questions.
Good Luck!