How to get more traffic to my website?
Hi! For website traffic, more is always better! But as it grows you need to maintain its quality as well, because bad traffic can be a waste of time and damaging to a website’s business. That’s where most people make a mistake. They get more traffic, but do not care about quality. I am here to help you with the ways to get more quality traffic to your website.

If I knew a little more about your website, my suggestions could be more specific. However, the following tactics will help you get more traffic to your website, provided you do them in a right manner. Before concluding this answer, I’d also like to share the method that I follow for my websites. For now, I’ll assume you are aware of the basics of web traffic what makes it high or low quality. Please feel free to let me know if you need my help while implementing these. Here are five proven ways of getting good traffic:
1) Write more and better content for your website:
Writing more and better content for a website always helps in getting traffic. If your website has more content, which your target audience would both actively look for and care about, then your existing traffic would recommend your website to more people and get you more traffic. Current visitors will look at more pages, and come back more often.
2) Backlinking:
A backlink is a link to your website from another website. It helps bring quality traffic, as long as it is not incentivized. Google notices websites that have quality backlinks. As a result, the chances of your website getting listed higher in their search results also increase. For backlinking, start writing blogs and actively participate in online discussion forums and communities. A lot of links from different kinds of trusted sites is the best way to go about it.
3) Social media:
Social media posts are a popular way of getting more traffic to a website, not to mention building some good backlinks. You can make use of social media for promoting the pages of your website. It’s free, after all. You can also opt for paid options that yield better results. If you are already doing that, try boosting your posts with eye-catchy content and doing split tests so you can get the same results for less money. Using trending hashtags on sites like Twitter and Instagram helps improve your reach, as long as the content using the tags is relevant.
4) Advertisements:
Online advertisement platforms are a quick way of getting more traffic to a website. Depending on your budget, you can select the best techniques for doing that. My suggestion would be GoogleAdWords and Facebook for that. LinkedIn can also be great, if you’re in the B2B space. Or work with whatever social site is already doing well for you organically.
5) Search Engine Optimization:
By making use of SEO techniques, you can get your website listed in search results. I would strongly focus on anything that builds an online presence, but SEO specifically for people who are already in the game and have some familiarity with web marketing.
To get web traffic to my websites, I make use of the One Minute Free Traffic (OMFT) method. OMFT covers a specific way of getting traffic that links in well with other strategies and the infrastructure you’re currently using.
I hope that by applying the ways suggested above, you get more traffic to your website.
Please feel free to reply to me if you need more information on any of the points discussed above.
Good Luck!