I am learning Digital Marketing. How do I practice SEO for building a strong community of people?
I appreciate your learning of almost all aspects of digital marketing. As a digital marketer for the last several years, I have observed many changes in it as it used to be. SEO and building strong communities of people are must to be successful in digital marketing. I am here to help you on that. In addition to these, I would suggest you more out of my experience in DM.

Since your question is straight to the point, I will also keep this answer precise. In case you need more information on any of the points from this answer, please feel free to reply to me.
For practicing things like SEO every day, I would suggest you start blogging. It will help you. By blogging you will be able to have a better connection with the people. Using backlinks from blogs to your website can help you get traffic. In this way, you can create communities of people. By optimizing the content of your website for search engines, you will likely get the target audience for the digital marketing of the products. Posting the reviews of products on your blog can get you more sales since you will be already having readers for your blog.
Make it clear that everything needs time. Your sincere efforts along with a bit of smart work can get you the desired results. For getting more people or like community building according to your question, I would suggest you have a strong social media presence.
Here are a few tips for community building:
1: Establish a Cause: Take a stand. Your business exists for a reason, one that your target audience should be able to identify with. For example, a nanny business could take a stand that parents should be able to trust their hired help. You may hear that and think “Duh, obviously.” But to some people, that idea is very prescient to them, and those are the ideal target customers of that business. Those people would rally behind content and a brand built around that cause.
2: Ongoing Stories: Something should always be going on. Communities aren’t stagnant. Establish a continuity so that people enjoy keeping up with it. An artist or other personality-driven brand can keep people up to date on their creative journey, what they’re working on, and get into the emotions of that. An informative podcast that does deep investigative work could give updates on a real-world mystery they are chasing. Radio shows used to do this by feuding with other shows.
3: Involve the People: Your online community should have places and means by which they can express their thoughts and be a part of the business’s cause. Thinking back to radio, am/fm morning shows would take calls or voicemails from listeners sometimes, as a way of getting direct contact and involvement with the customer base.
The usage of social media for digital marketing always helps with these things. By posting valuable content that doesn’t sell too much, and still appeals to the same crowd that would want your products the most, you can build a strong community of people.
In addition to the above suggestions sought by you, I would like to give a personal suggestion that could prove to be a masterstroke for you. It can also help you get passive income. Honestly, I owe my success in digital marketing to it. It’s called One Minute Traffic Machines (OMFT). I am sure it would be of great help to you. That post would suggest you ways for generating income from the traffic to your website, while also building that traffic to higher numbers.
Please feel free to reply to me in case you need more information on OMTM. I would be pleased to give you specific suggestions.
Good Luck!