I hate my job, even though it pays well, gives lots of days off. Why is it so? What should I do?
Hi! I think you already realize that money is not everything. On the other hand, a well-paying job with a lot of days off is pretty much everyone’s dream. But peace of mind and internal happiness also matter, and that’s going to come from things that might be fed by your career, but are still more or less completely outside of it. It’s a part of human nature.
We easily get fascinated with money and materialistic comforts that money can buy, especially in comparison to how much we work for that money. The dream is working very little, but earning a lot, and it sounds like you are somewhere on that side of the scale, which is good.
But these things give temporary happiness. Sooner or later, everyone realizes that a moderately paying job that keeps you interested is far better than a high paying job with boredom, work pressure, etc.
People hate their jobs for many reasons. One major reason is being underpaid for their work. Your situation is different, but not as different as you may think. Jobs can pay not just in money, but in a sense that you are making a difference, or that you are progressing in your career path. That may be what’s missing in your case.
Russel Brunson put this well in one of his presentations: “One day, I woke up and realized I hated my business. Specifically, I hated the people I was serving.” This is a guy who was making millions and was the head of his company. But he had lost focus over time and gotten into a position where he did not feel he was making a real difference, helping the kind of people who really needed his products and training courses. So, he changed things from the ground up. Now he’s one of the biggest internet entrepreneurs of all time and is an overwhelmingly positive, happy guy.
Now, in your case, a simple solution could be to reconsider the reasons you hate the job. Then, see if those reasons are temporary/fixable, like they were with Russel, or permanent. Are they baked in, or can you do something about it? Find solutions to them. For permanent reasons, you can’t do anything except quitting, but in a planned manner. You should work upon what I call 3S. Those 3S are helpful for anyone who hates his career situation and is looking to change it. I have made an article about this: I’m Ready to Quit My Job YESTERDAY, How Do I Do It? Which could be helpful.
Also, while making the next choice of job, don’t overvalue money. Money is not everything. You are in a better position than most people I talk to, because you don’t just value money, it seems. You value money with respect to your time spent working. But even that can be too alluring.
Money, even financial freedom, is just a tool to achieve what you really care about. Being a millionaire means nothing. It’s the emptiest goal in life.
You are in a more advanced situation than the people I usually talk to on here, so I will say this: You are safely beyond the trap of wanting to work more for more money. If you earn a lot from very little time spent working, that’s great. Optimize that. Then, over time, the next step is to turn your earnings into a MAXIMUM level of influence on the world, in any respect that matters to you.
For instance, I want to eventually start a publishing company for the kind of creators that I vibe with, to make it easier for people like that to both get their work seen and for fans of it to find more stuff to enjoy. As I make more money in my business ventures, I also keep in mind the manner that I will create this company and explode it to maximum size.
So in essence, once you have optimized the money-making side of life, it’s time to optimize the money-spending side. I guarantee it’s a lot more satisfying than a big number in your bank account and a fancy apartment. 😉
In conclusion, spending a lot of time on the same job without a change in responsibilities or job roles creates boredom, especially if the job feels like stagnation and you know you can achieve something greater. Maybe that’s the case with you.
Please feel free to reply if you have any questions.
Good Luck!