I want to grow my email list. How can I do it?

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Beginners often fail to realize the importance of email lists when they first start. If you do it right, then email lists can help get website traffic, and ultimately lead to generating revenue. To grow that quickly, first, you need the visitors to the website, and then make those visitors feel the value of website’s content so that they provide their basic details and overcome that first little hurdle of trust. In this answer, I will share some tested and proven ways that are easy to implement.

Here are five effective ways to build an email list:

1) Lead Magnets: As the name suggests, these attract people who haven’t heard about your business and turn them into leads. A lead magnet is a free offer that a business gives to its customers in exchange for their email addresses. Examples of lead magnets include ebooks, case studies, access to tutorials, giveaways, discounts, other freebies, etc.

2) Popup forms: To get the immediate attention of the visitors on a website, popup forms are unmistakably effective. They have a high conversion rate and have basically been accepted as normal in all niches. You can make a popup form to urge visitors to sign up for your newsletter, contests, etc. Some email marketers believe that visitors feel irritated due to the flashing of pop up forms or other irritating elements. Obviously, make something that is assertive, but not overly pushy or annoying.

3) Graphical Elements: Graphical elements in the form of gamification can get you to build an email list quickly. Appealing visuals always catch the attention of the visitors. Gamification aspects, such as a spin wheel, can help customers have more fun with your brand. More innovative concepts in the form of games can be applied to get more out of that. If all else fails and you’re stuck, remember that raffles and other contests are technically games too.

4) Social Media:  Social media has always remained effective in digital marketing since the rise of Facebook. Almost all social media channels offer advertising platforms now, in addition to just traditional business profile building. In addition to that, call to action buttons such as on a Facebook Page is a proven technique for email list building. Most online cold leads nowadays are generated from social media, as people spend most of their time there. You can look for more creative ways of getting the maximum output from social media on your own time, as it’s too huge a topic to dive into here. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

5) Landing Page Promotion: Lead capture pages are just a more specific type of landing page. By promoting that page in relevant online groups such as on LinkedIn, online communities, etc. that can help you grow your subscriber list quickly. Just make sure you aren’t spamming or abusing those communities, or you will get banned and blacklisted pretty fast.

In addition to the above points, there are many other methods for growing email lists. In this regard, I would like to share the method that I have been using or a while. I have been into digital marketing for several years, and I would still consider myself a beginner to list building. Beginner in the sense that only recently, after a breakthrough, have I started to get a serious list going that is making a large chunk of my online income.

List building comes with a lot of initial hurdles. For that reason, even after starting with full interest and determination, people lose their confidence when their lists don’t build very quickly and their subscribers are low quality (not many clicks, opens, purchases). That’s all due to the application of improper techniques such as using a commonplace strategy with imprecise customer targeting. I am now getting the desired results using List Warrior. That’s a several-hour-long video program teaching you how to build an email list in a way that costs nothing or little to nothing and adds up quickly. 

Please feel free to reply to me if you need more information on any of the points discussed above, or relating to that review post.

Good Luck!



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