My blog is 2 months old and I write 2-3 blogs in a day with a word count of 500-800 per post. Should my blog rank and get high traffic?

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Thanks for reaching out. Being a blogger and having tried multiple methods for getting traffic to blogs and ranking content, I have a couple of ideas on how to make sure that your blog has as good of a chance as possible to rank for the keywords you want. But it’s going to depend largely on 2 factors:

1: How valuable is your blog and its content (good idea, nicely written posts, etc.)?

2: How well optimized is your SEO and content strategy?

Your best chance to ail these two points is to implement all the suggestions of this answer, and please feel free to leave me a reply/comment in case you need any help 🙂

I don’t know what your blog’s niche and the topic is and other factors, so feel free to let me know and I can get more specific about what I’d do in your situation. Just a heads up. Okay, let’s go.

Per my experience, it takes at least six months to see an observable performance in the average person’s first serious blog, provided you post content to your blog regularly, WITHOUT compromising on your SEO.

Now, can you rank faster? Definitely. But it depends on how many factors you get right. You need to be careful not to rely on quantity too much. Yes, 500-800 words is a solid length for a new post, and posting multiple content pieces a day is nice, but the question is, what’s in the words? Is the content good? Does it serve the needs of a person who searched for a relevant keyword? And is the content getting some attention as more of it shows up, or are you just piling on more content in the hopes that it’ll eventually promote itself? These are important questions to ask.

Posting content alone will not rank your blog effectively and get high amounts of traffic, as it relies too much on luck that the right people will find you. To get high traffic and rank your blog, here are my seven exclusive tips:

Tip #1: Make sure you do sufficient keyword research (KR) for your post topics. There are many free and paid online keyword research tools. I can recommend some. Really, though, it comes down to common sense. Look up the same topics you blog about. What types of posts get the most shares and other engagements?

Tip #2: After you have done KR, then next is to do on-page SEO. The most valuable yet also most accessible (not too competitive) keywords so found must be used in the titles, descriptions, URLs, header tags, images descriptions, and above all, throughout your content. Never keyword stuff or create awkward sentences or statements just to fit in more keywords, it’ll just get your site penalized.

Tip #3: Select a content format that has a better chance of getting shares and backlinks. Authoritative content, opinion pieces, rants, reviews, etc.

Tip #4: Word count is contextual and not that important. I have seen posts with 100 words ranking higher than a 2000-word post for multiple reasons. But as far as I have observed, and what top-notch bloggers recommend, it’s advisable to have 1000-1500 words in every SEO optimized post.

And try to post something like that as frequently as possible. You need not force yourself to do that much writing per day, you could do it every other or thrice a week. Long content delivered not super frequently (but still regularly) is what Google considers the most human and trustworthy. Content much bigger than that should be saved for special occasions to capitalize on trending topics or holidays, usually, and content much smaller, like what you’re currently writing, is tough to make memorable or noteworthy unless you really nail the topic.

These are generalizations, remember. On average, a blog reader who reads a 1-1.5K-word post has a good chance of understanding what you’re about, deciding if they like your writing style, etc without feeling overwhelmed by something longer. The ideal number of words per post might be something you need to experiment on for yourself and your niche, though, so don’t take what I’m saying as a universal rule. It’s just an average.

Tip #5: Build a social media presence for your blog, and work on growing an audience there, too so that every future post gets a slightly bigger response. I assume you must have tried it once or twice, but it’s something that should be a regular and important as the blog itself. This doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming, especially if you get into the topic of Content Multiplication Models. Just leave a reply or message if you’d like more info on CMMs.

Tip #6: Increase session time with internal links. Meanwhile, do guest posting, invite other bloggers to write for you, etc. so that you are getting backlinks from other people, not solely your own social media. It looks better to Google, so they’ll treat your pages better in search.

Tip #7: You can implement a specialized method like One Minute Traffic Machines (OMTM) or One Minute Free Traffic (OMFT) to drip in some traffic over the next few months. So much of this stuff is just theory and you are expected to figure it out on your own, which is why I appreciate simple products that teach a singular, specific thing you can do, nothing ambiguous. If you are interested, then you can read the review of it on my website. Just don’t rely solely on this one, it’s for when the training wheels are off, so to speak.

For tons of actionable tips to getting traffic, you can also explore the Knowledge Base section on my website.

Anyway, after implementing the tips stated above, for sure you will be able to build a substantial, loyal audience for your blog.

Good Luck!



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