To make money from affiliate marketing on a long-term basis, is it worth building an email list?

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In the present era of digital marketing, email lists are essential no matter your business model, especially ones that rely on becoming a trusted figure, which is typically how affiliate marketing works. Further, it is an intelligent decision to build an email list instead of buying it, borrowing someone else’s or other gimmicks. Let’s discuss the reasons why email lists are so important in affiliate marketing.

1) Email lists help in building a relationship with your audience through regular messages.

2) It works as a traffic source for your website, by including relevant links in the emails.

3) It allows you to promote targeted offers to the audience (aka what affiliate marketing is all about) which, in combination with a good relationship, allows you to get significant affiliate profits off a sufficiently large list.

When you build an email list from scratch and send them regular emails that are authentic and convey your personality and what you care about, the subscribers will be much more active and interested in your products. Unlike readymade lists, which are generally against terms of service anyway, self-built lists give you more potential in the long run.

Building an email list is usually a headache for beginners due to its initial hurdles. By implementing a method like List Warrior(LW), one can avoid the headaches of email list building, and at the same time, with less effort, build a reliable list within a few months.

In conclusion, building an email list is a great idea to make money from affiliate marketing on a long-term basis. Everyone I know who has made affiliate marketing work uses email as one of the cornerstones of their platform.

Please feel free to reply to me if you have any questions.

Good Luck!



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