What are some valid reasons for quitting a well-paying and stable job?
It’s a reality that sometimes, even if we get the job we desired most of all, after a while, we start losing interest in it and we start softly planning to quit or at least dreaming about it. It turns out there were aspects of this supposedly amazing job we didn’t predict or disregarded, but that taught us key things we want out of our work, and that inspire us to move on.
In general, job seekers are considered more appealing if they haven’t switched to too many different jobs in too short of a time span. But, in a scenario like in November 2020, when jobs are scarce and the economy is still picking itself back up, a job, be it high-paying or moderate, is not enough for me to feel secure about the future.
An online business, and the grow-able income it generates, is a fantastic way to add more security to your life, and it’s one of the best and most common reasons people quit well-paying and stable jobs, down the line, when the business is doing well enough. I will get into that later, and please excuse me if you aren’t interested in starting a business, I just noticed over the years that it is a very common motivation for wanting to quit a decent or good job, so there was a chance you’d be interested.
Let’s begin with 5 valid reasons for quitting a job.
There comes a point in life when, for happiness and satisfaction, people will quit a very good job. But that is too broad. People have different things about a job that make them unhappy or unsatisfied. Per my experience, here are 5 common reasons to quit a job, even if it is stable and pays well:
#1 Health impacted by the job:
When a job has a serious impact on your physical or mental health, and it can affect your family and relationships (which, if it’s not healthy for you, it often does), then you should quit. Not as many jobs these days pose an actual physical danger to your health in the immediate sense, but health is more complex than that. Sometimes, the commute to and fro is too long, too much time spent driving and feeling stressed, or the consistent working hours are stressful or sitting in an office chair all day is ruining your mood and motivation. It could be anything, but if it’s going to affect your health in the long run, I think it’s fair to consider quitting among various options to mitigate or solve the problem. If you can’t find any, then consider quitting more seriously.
#2 The arrangement doesn’t agree with you:
Maybe you have gotten to the point where you are working longer than you want or longer on certain things you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Maybe the job turns out to never really turn off, and even while off the clock you are often expected to be on call to deal with customers and other issues. If it’s getting unacceptable, and you can’t fix it through direct request and confrontation, then you should quit.
Remember, jobs by definition are inconvenient. It’s normal and not worth talks about quitting to, say, work overtime one night every month or so on your boss’s request. At the end of the day, your labor is a service being provided at a price, and you have to perform to certain expectations and be a valuable employee in order to not be replaced. You have to show up on time for the things that truly matter to your boss. But many times, a job and its duties will melt and morph until you feel like your talents aren’t understood or truly valued. In those cases, I think it’s fair to look through the market for other jobs and start finding new options.
#3 Feeling of disengagement:
Sometimes we claim we have a passion for something when we really don’t, and we were just forcing it to make a good impression in a new job. Maybe, after an initial period of being unsure, you feel totally disengaged with something about your job. Maybe you don’t really believe in the product, and it’s something you’d never, ever buy. Maybe you are in customer support but you just don’t have much patience for people after all. Maybe the job is too labor-intensive, and you need something more relaxed. Maybe your job is too social, and you’d like something where you quietly work by yourself most of the time.
Sometimes these are small complaints, and the answer is to suck it up and get better, but other times, you really are in a serious mismatch.
#4 No scope of growth:
When you feel there is no scope of growth or you don’t see any upward potential, then it’s the right time to quit, IF you want to progress farther and specialize in that industry.
#5 You have a better job/another plan:
That’s self-explanatory and a solid reason to quit a job.
Quitting a job is an interesting time in most people’s lives because it’s a decision they often wait on and put off for years longer than they wanted, only to look back and say to themselves “Why did I wait so long?”. That said, while taking action and resisting complacency is awesome, one shouldn’t quit a job without planning and forethought.
In the context of our discussion, I have a useful article to share, “I’m Ready to Quit My Job YESTERDAY, How Do I Do It?.” That article can suggest more points for this answer. If you are interested, you can read that post on my website.
As mentioned in the beginning, if you are interested in an online business that can offer you long-term growth and help you attain financial freedom; you can check my profile or drop me a comment for a discussion/guidance. Right now is the best time for you to look at any kind of entrepreneurship or significant career path changes more seriously, and take action on them. You will be glad you did, someday not long afterward.
Feel free to reply if you have any questions.
Good Luck!