What happens after resignation?
If you think hard enough, there is always a reason to resign from a job. Further, there is a procedure for resigning. Let’s discuss more.
There are two ways in which anyone resigns. One is with immediate effect, and the other is with prior notice. As the name suggests, immediate is when it’s sudden and involves no time for the employer to react, and the latter is generally pre-planned and lets the employer follow their appropriate procedure. For the latter, every organization has different notice periods. Some require fifteen days, some thirty, etc. A resignation can happen due to all sorts of different reasons, so of course, the consequences are also varied.
There’s a lot that we can discuss on resignation, and I don’t want to do a shotgun approach and answer in too many ways without going deep into any of them. However, if something like this has happened with you or any of your contacts, then please don’t hesitate to reach me out through a reply. I can help you by giving specific suggestions.
As an answer to your question, I am considering a situation when anyone resigns from a job and have given two weeks of notice. To be clear, there can be multiple situations to consider for your answer.
Here are five things that generally happen after we resign from our job:
1) You become less interested in the present job. After you have officially resigned, there follows a lack of interest in the ongoing activities. Your plan is not to stay, so what does it matter how well you perform? In other cases, people feel more motivated and work harder as a final sendoff, or because they feel guilty about not caring about the job and quitting in the first place. Again, that depends on your reason for resignation.
2) Interaction with coworkers with whom you didn’t interact much would suddenly increase. They might start complimenting you. I’ve seen this happen when someone in a high position is resigning to start their own company. It’s a subtle way of starting a connection to potentially land a job with them, so they can leave too.
3) The behavior of your seniors, particularly your boss, might become more demanding as he would be expecting to get the most from you before you leave.
4) You would be in a rush to complete the relieving formalities.
5) You may feel an intense surge of nostalgia. Even for a bad job, the sweet and bitter memories would flash in your mind. Most employees get emotional when they have to leave a job they’ve had for a long time.
As previously stated, the reason you resigned in the first place will make a big difference in how that resignation actually goes. In an attempt to suggest you some important points that would be of great help to anyone who has recently quit a job or is planning to quit, I would like to recommend a post: I’m Ready to Quit My Job YESTERDAY, How Do I Do It?
I have made that post by learning from the series of events in my past career life. I had a high paying job. Despite being in the top tier of employees, I was miserable but didn’t get the opportunity to resign even. I hope you catch my meaning. After working on 3S, now, I am lucky enough to be a job giver instead of being a job seeker. Had I somehow not been laid off back then, I would have been still going through the motions like a robot. In short, sometimes, planned job resignation can be life-changers in a good way, and that post would show you how to make sure yours is the same.
Covering all the points from that post will make this answer lengthy. If you are interested, you can check my profile to get a link to my website.
Please feel free to reply to me for more discussion.
Good Luck!