What’s better: resigning or getting laid off? When I visited my boss for submitting my resignation, he asked me for waiting for a month, after which he would lay me off and 2 months severance pay would be given to me.

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Hi! Well, your situation is unusual. In my view, it’s better to resign instead of getting laid off, but that’s because laying off usually comes unexpectedly, and not with some kind of compensation like what your boss promised you. I have been laid off before, and I certainly wish it could have happened that way.

Let’s discuss more.

 Even though your boss appeared to offer a severance if you waited, I feel it’s only right to say: is that definitely promised? Have you considered (or has your boss explained) why exactly they need you to wait so long? A month is a bit long for finding a replacement employee. Then again, that could be due to the current economy. Just something to think about. Make sure you aren’t getting brushed off, in the hopes that by one month later, you’ll no longer feel like leaving. Many bosses use tactics like this.

Stay focused, and don’t lose your energy. Keep on doing the work with the same zeal as you did on day 1. If you really are going to leave, now or in a month, then commit to that choice. At the same time, prepare for the time between this current job and your next one. Make sure you have prospects and interviews lined up as soon as possible after you’re out, so you can move into a new job as quickly as you can.

If you are not happy with your job or feel like you are wasting your time, then you should resign. That said, sometimes the reasons we want to leave are temporary. That may be what your boss is hoping for. Just make sure you really do expect a better situation once you’re out of that job. Do you know that there is more in store for you? If so, you have a good enough reason to leave, one that is still important, even if your feelings fade in a month.

Further, before joining a new job, research it well. At times, there are common problems with almost every job, like a rude boss, non-cooperative colleagues, work pressure, etc. You want to be careful that you aren’t moving into the same kind of place that dissatisfied you last time.

In your case, as you are thinking of resigning and are almost sure of getting laid off son, I would recommend you look for alternatives. If you have already decided what to do after your present job, it’s fine. In another case, you must be mentally and financially prepared, if you don’t get a new job for long, like in my case. I ran into depression after being laid off. Honestly speaking, in the present situation, there is a scarcity of jobs, and it’s harder than usual to get one after leaving. But harder means nothing, really, to those who are truly motivated.

Whatever the situation, you should work upon what I call 3S. Those 3S are helpful for anyone who has quit a job, is planning to quit, or believes in strengthening their professional profile and securing their future. As there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who are not happy with their job and want something completely different, I have made a post to help all such people: I’m Ready to Quit My Job YESTERDAY, How Do I Do It?, covering those 3S and some other things that I believe are helpful in your situation.

In conclusion, it’s better for you to wait and prepare, as long as you trust your boss will do what he says. Till then, work on 3S, complete the assigned tasks to the utmost satisfaction of your boss, and keep a backup ready to make a switch anytime.

Please feel free to reply to me of you need clarification.

Good Luck!



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