Where to promote blog posts for gaining more traffic?

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Hi. That’s a really common, but important question. To get more traffic to your posts, you can implement numerous strategies.

Social media websites are the best places to promote a blog’s content. But one must not stop there. It’s important to try other things, experimenting with both different areas and different methods for using them. Some examples:

1)Have your own website: Easy, free, super powerful. Many blogs are associated with a more general website, but in case yours isn’t, and it’s literally just a blogroll, I would work on that. You

2) Yahoo Answers: The best way to make use of this is to search questions relating to your blog’s niche. Then, you can write helpful answers and share the link to your blog. There are limits to what accounts can post links, though. Also, questions close fairly quickly and there’s no way to answer them after that. Don’t expect a miracle, but it’s something to try. Consider every other question answering site similar to this, except for…

3) Quora: Like Yahoo Answers but better. 😉 Same idea, just don’t spam links.

4) Your email list: Build up an email list via one of the common providers, such as Aweber or GetResponse. These people are subscribers, basically fans of your content who elected to get emails from you. Every time you publish a post, email your subscribers about it and you’ll get traffic to the post from them. Building a list from scratch obviously also takes decent web traffic, so it’s not an early solution, but it will help as you build up other aspects of your platform, a lot.

5) Reddit: If you can adhere to the strict, diverse rules of subreddits, you can casually promote your blog here. Although Reddit doesn’t allow much self-promotion, and focuses more on anonymity, I have seen some people use it for traffic by doing something creative or unusual.

6) Medium: This takes a little ingenuity, because Medium, and similar platforms, like Steemit, are basically for direct, personality-driven blogging. How do you draw traffic to your own blog, via Medium? Well, I’m still experimenting, but one thing that appears to work is to make upper-level content that is less specific compared to your blog. Then you can link to relevant posts on your blog for people who want the more specific information on there. You still have to work at this, and build a platform there, but a ton of people use Medium.

It’s only fair to say that the nature and value of the blog post itself is also going to determine how much traffic it gets. This applies to any format, not just blogging. For example, many people get big on YouTube by making response videos to bigger channels. People find or look up the bigger video and then see the other person’s. You don’t have to do this literally, but I’m just saying, content that connects strongly with other content in some way, such as replying to someone in an open letter format, works at getting more attention. Another example is taking a relevant news story and doing a post about it, in the context of what your blog is about.

In addition to the above places and ideas, I have one more recommendation. Instead of being more dependent on other places, focus on building a website that draws traffic passively, all the time. I mean to say, you can easily get traffic to your website in general, and then direct that traffic to the pages that really matter to you, such as a landing page for something you sell online. Even if you just want more blog readers, the same principles apply. The blog should be a part of a larger website that draws in traffic through SEO-rich pages, good backlinking, and networking with others.

For more about that, you can check my profile as I frequently answer questions relating to website traffic and monetization. There are a lot of good methods for drawing massive traffic to a website. I recommend trying the One Minute Free Traffic (OMFT) method to get traffic for your blog and all its posts.

In short, getting traffic to a blog’s content is not difficult. You can easily do that, as long as you’re patient and willing to experiment with different tactics until you find something that works.

Please feel free to reply to me if you need clarification.

Good Luck!



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