Why do we work on website traffic?
It’s fair to say that traffic to a website is like blood to a body. That’s the main reason for anyone’s obsession with getting traffic on his/her website. Let’s explore more on that.

If your website is just a hobby, and it doesn’t matter if you get visitors to it, then it’s a separate case. Depending on the type of the website, the purpose of traffic varies. For example, if there’s an eCommerce website, more traffic means more sales. On the other hand, if there’s a blog, more traffic means more readers. Ultimately traffic equals popularity and yields revenue for a website.
For a business, the number of visitors on a website equals to the no. of customers, no. of opportunities for branding, increasing sales, building relationships, and a lot more. For online marketing, traffic and its conversion is the base on which everything else rests. Traffic comes from various free and paid sources that include Cost Per Click (CPC) ads, organic search results, social media, referral traffic from other websites, etc. In addition to that, there is the term quality traffic which means the traffic that comes on its own to the website, not forcefully or through incentives. For an offline example, let’s say you run a restaurant and hold a promotion to come in and get a free plate of spaghetti. The people who come in by seeing advertisements for that offer are not as good traffic compared to people who found your restaurant outside of that promotion. The former is more likely to just be interested in a free meal, while the latter is more likely to be interested in coming to your restaurant regularly if they like it. Incentivized traffic, while useful, is not as good, so you generally need more of it to get the same results as you would through non-incentivized traffic. This is why people work on their traffic, to not just get more of it, but to improve the quality of that traffic as well. I would like to discuss more on this in the context of web traffic, at the same time relating it to my profession. I have been into digital marketing for the last several years, and as a digital marketer, web traffic means much to me. Being tech-savvy, I am concerned with analyzing a website’s performance to gain more insight into the quality of web traffic. Instead of just seeing how many people visited my website, I am eager to find out how long a visitor stays on my site, what percentage of visitors made a purchase, and so on.
To exactly say ‘X’ amount of traffic is good or sufficient for a website would be wrong. It’s simple: more is always the better, and higher quality is always better. In the beginning, I suggest a person who wants traffic should go for quantity, and then, later, convert into a focus on quality, because dealing with really high levels of lower-quality traffic is a headache.
There are many ways in which you can bring traffic to a website, and explaining more would make this too long. Keeping aside that, hopefully, it’s clear why traffic matters online.
If you are interested in getting more traffic to your website, you have a lot of options. The primary method I apply to get traffic for my websites is One Minute Free Traffic (OMFT).
I hope the above points fit in as an answer to your question. In case you need more, please feel free to reply to me.
Good Luck!